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Bulb flat produced at YENAKIIEVE STEEL has obtained Russian River Register Certificate

28 November 2012

Shapes of YENAKIIEVE STEEL, Metinvest Group, has obtained Recognition Certificate from Russian River Register Certificate (RRR). Document issued by the Federal Agency of Russian Ship Classification, confirms that YENAKIIEVE STEEL produces hot rolled offset bulb flat sections for shipbuilding under the RRR Norms.

During certification procedure the experts from Don-Kuban Branch of Russian River Register learnt about production process at Rolling Mill «550», audited  mechanical and metallographic testing laboratory. Also in line with RRR agenda the standard sample of bulb flat was tested. Its design, properties, parameters and specifications are in full compliance with the requirements of Technical Regulations on safety of inland water transport, and this was indicated in the Type Approval Certificate.

"Expansion of the customer base will enable our company to strengthen its position at the steel market, - points out Alexander Podkorytov, the General Director of PJSC YENAKIIEVE STEEL. - When there was a possibility of cooperation with this certification agency, all customer demands were taken into account. At the same time, we also produce bulb flat sections according to the norms of Russian Marine Registry of Shipping as our established practice.

It should be reminded that Yenakiieve Steel is one of the few steel Works in Ukraine where bulb flat for shipbuilding is produced at heavy-section Mill «550». Now the company has an opportunity to roll shapes up to 12 meters.